Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Well, I will say one thing about death;  I'm not afraid of it. I think mostly because I know what's coming after this life and I'm not trying to get religious or preachy but I just know. Anyways, how could I be afraid of a never ending paradise? How could I not want perfect happiness or to live on for eternity? I'm not afraid, I'm anxiously awaiting it!

 I think that one of the things that I am going to love the most about after death, is that everyone will not be living under the wicked traps of comparison. "Comparison is the death of joy" I whole heartedly believe that.
Comparing: Clothes, Wealth, looks, personality, talents, body image, etc... All of that is crap, yet I can't say that I'm free from it. I want to be.

BUT: With the same token, I can't have life after death if I don't live my life right. That is why I am afraid of life. I am constantly freaking out... am I doing the right things? Am I reacting to trials in the right way? Im afraid of the fact that I can't control what happens to me, only how I react. Im afraid that I'm not living my life so that I can get to death and have paradise. I couldn't be more grateful for my life but I guess I'm scared of the things I can't control like... bad weather, rapists, miscarriages, depression, etc.... These things are in this life but won't be after death.
   -I'm afraid of Life because of death-

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm afraid of disappointing people.
I'm afraid of spiders.
I'm afraid of opening up.
I'm afraid of immature high school boys.

I'm afraid of men with spiky hair, bedazzled jeans and Ed hardy shirts. (These men shouldnt be allowed in public.)
I'm afraid of growing out of the Disney Channel.

I'm afraid of not being original.

I'm afraid of love.
I'm afraid of people who think they know exactly who I am.
I'm afraid of know it alls.

I'm afraid of stress and expectations.
I'm afraid of depending on other people, I'm afraid of trusting.
I'm afraid that people think I can't be serious.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I believe

I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Thinking About You

It's interesting that I am thinking about you. I don't want to be, but I am. I'm thinking about you like my heart felt when you first held my hand.  I'm thinking about you like a question mark thinks about a question. The question is, why am I thinking about you? I'm thinking about you like sleep thinks about alarm clocks. Like when Im trying to write a paper but you're the only one in my thoughts. I'm thinking about you like a dream thinks about waking up. Like when were together and I wish we were stuck. Like glue. Like glue thinks about sticking. Popsicles are sticky. I'm thinking about you like a kid thinks about popsicles in 100 degree weather.  Like If I let myself fall for you, but my heart becomes severed. I'm thinking about you, that's the bottom line. Valentines is coming up and I wish you were mine.
Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire. - Taylor Swift